Tuesday, September 18, 2012

So what do you do....

Sometimes shit happens. Sometimes the world isn't fair. Sometimes things don't go your way, and you know exactly why, and you understand why; but it still hurts. You recognize the situation clearly, and the order of events that lead to it. You know all the factors at play, you had the foresight to see its potential for occurring. But you were hopeful that it wouldn't happen, and yet, when it did, it still hurt; even though none of it was your fault. There was nothing you could do, you did everything right, and you knew it could happen. So why does it still hurt? What do you do to move past something painful that was unavoidable? Do you turn the pain against those who caused it? Do you accept the pain and move on? But then where does the pain go? is it buried deep inside you where it festers with all your other pain? Does it get processed and transform into something else? And if so, how and what?

The pain you feel, the sorrow you experience, is not something physical. Yet its feeling is real. And surely it must go somewhere, it doesn't just disappear into nothingness. In kinship to the intangibility of feelings is the ethereal soul. It too can be seen and felt, but not physically touched. And you know it's presence to be real. Perhaps much like the food we eat, the feelings we experience are digested through our mind, body, and soul. We can verify what we're feeling with our mind, much like the tongue it can taste all the subtle variations mixed into the emotions. And just like our faces when we eat, our body personifies those sensations into a physical reaction in our body. Slowly these feelings are digested through our thoughts, our body reacting to their impression on us, and then they disappear. Perhaps, into the soul. Where there, it is processed, broken down, sorted, stored, and applied to the make-up of who we are. And it is only after we have come to terms, after our soul has finished taking it all in, that it is able to find and assemble it's place in us and we are able to continue forward with the renewed strength it gives us.

"Much like the food you eat, your feelings and experiences in life become the building blocks of who you are. These emotions you feel, these hardships you face, they are personified and made real with your body, they are taken into you and broken down with your mind, with time, they're processed through your soul, and are turned into strength that is added to your spirit." ~ Ryan Augustin.

Friday, September 7, 2012


It's curious to me how I have found myself repeatedly coming back to this Board to post my various thoughts. Typically my thoughts sit within my head, and are just mulled over in my own mind. I usually don't share these random fancies of thought with others because they are so random, and often take an obtuse degree of imagination to piece together in ones mind. I figure them too far outside the box for most people to care about.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It's Wednesday and...

...yet it could just as easily be called any other day of the week. Indeed I think our day to day lives are somewhat like a game of chess. With each Black piece representing a different task or chore we must perform in our day, and each White piece representing a unit of time during our day.

To carry the metaphor further, you are presented with the numerous Black mundane day-to-day chore or "upkeep" pawns of which their are so many evenly spread across the board; these are the things such as the laundry, the dishes, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc., but they're slow to move across the board and it can be some time before they nab a white piece, though they will eventually.

Work takes its place as the mighty Knight piece, hopping over any and all other obstacles in your life to be maintained, letting nothing stand in its way. It will contort and wind its way around any other task in your life so that it is always a priority.

Family resides in the Bishop piece. It will snake its way around many of the obstacles in your life to be a priority, but it can still be cut off from time to time by another Black piece.

The Castles would represent your social life. Many other aspects of your life have to get out of the way, or "be planned" before they can move, and due to their cardinal nature, their route must be carefully outlined ahead of time and these plans can very often be cut off or ruined by other pieces.

Next, there's the Queen. She can represent a relationship with a spouse in your life. She has limitless power to move anywhere she wishes across the board of your life at an incredible rate, her power/priority can shift in an instant; she can be a bystander, claiming only a few pieces for her own, or the most powerful force on the board laying waste to large chunks of your life and time.

Lastly, there's the King, and he represents your own free-time. The only way he ever gets to claim some of that free time is after the White piece has waded it's way across the board, been passed over by all the other Black pieces in your life, and reaches the footsteps of the King for you to nab.

And such is the the days and weeks of our life; a constant chess game where we juggle our time versus our tasks. Where we will try to save and sacrifice as much of our White pieces as need be to keep our life running smoothly in order to reach the Black King and give ourselves the free time we wish we had more of.

That concludes my thought for today.

"It is never the shallower for the calmness. The Sea is a deep, there is as much water in the Sea, in a calm, as in a storm." -John Donne, poet (1573-1631)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Very Quick, But Perissological Stroll, Through My Mind

Life is an extended mystery full of ups and downs and twists. A common expression, used time and time again, but it's not all a two dimensional or even three dimentional realm. Indeed there is much more to it than that; stretching beyond to even the fourth dimension of time, or to an even further, figurative fifth dimension, of the Imagination of ones own mind; and expanding even further beyond into the minds of others.

Indeed there are endless possibilities, realms, viewpoints, paths, adventures, experiences and more that lie in life; however, what we see, and choose to be a part of, in those many aspects its very small, as we can only choose one at a time.

The purpose of these preceding paragraphs I have written is unknown to me. As is the creation of this *cough* 'Blog', which by the way I detest as a word, as it feels so revolting coming off the tongue that I feel, personally, it shouldn't be used as a way to describe the expression of ones writing. (As such I will be refering to this as a 'Personal Board' or simply a 'Board'.)

As I was saying, the purpose of this post... I believe I just simply felt it necessary to fill the empty space of this Board with at least one post. As such, I wrote what was on my mind. I have never been into writing for Personal Boards as I usually write for myself. I am also rather long winded with my writing, as some of you can already, undoubtably, tell, and so I usually choose to focus my descriptive energy into projects near and dear to my heart instead of whatever mindless chatter is currently running through my head. But as this Board will house many of my thoughts, which will then be viewed by an assortment of varying individuals, I felt compelled to at least give a proper introduction, to anyone who take's it upon themselves to read it, with a glimpse into the writing realm of my mind. With that, I felt 'The Perissological Life' was a more than apt title to describe my written thoughts.

If you are a fellow writer, you might understand how someone can be a completely different person to read than to hear; if that makes any sense. Essentially, an individual who takes on, and carries with them, an entirely different persona when their thoughts flow through their fingers rather than through their mouths. The person I am when I am in my most encroached state of writing is nothing like the person I am when I speak. However, that is not to say that this is 'The Real Me', as it is far from it. But this is definately who I am when it comes to the realm of writing.

Perhaps this will be the start of these two "Me's" melding together... anyway that's enough for now. I would like to, or rather should, wrap this up before it grows any longer. With that, I'll leave this post with one of many quotes that I enjoy.

"Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you." -William Arthur Ward, college administrator, writer (1921-1994)