Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Very Quick, But Perissological Stroll, Through My Mind

Life is an extended mystery full of ups and downs and twists. A common expression, used time and time again, but it's not all a two dimensional or even three dimentional realm. Indeed there is much more to it than that; stretching beyond to even the fourth dimension of time, or to an even further, figurative fifth dimension, of the Imagination of ones own mind; and expanding even further beyond into the minds of others.

Indeed there are endless possibilities, realms, viewpoints, paths, adventures, experiences and more that lie in life; however, what we see, and choose to be a part of, in those many aspects its very small, as we can only choose one at a time.

The purpose of these preceding paragraphs I have written is unknown to me. As is the creation of this *cough* 'Blog', which by the way I detest as a word, as it feels so revolting coming off the tongue that I feel, personally, it shouldn't be used as a way to describe the expression of ones writing. (As such I will be refering to this as a 'Personal Board' or simply a 'Board'.)

As I was saying, the purpose of this post... I believe I just simply felt it necessary to fill the empty space of this Board with at least one post. As such, I wrote what was on my mind. I have never been into writing for Personal Boards as I usually write for myself. I am also rather long winded with my writing, as some of you can already, undoubtably, tell, and so I usually choose to focus my descriptive energy into projects near and dear to my heart instead of whatever mindless chatter is currently running through my head. But as this Board will house many of my thoughts, which will then be viewed by an assortment of varying individuals, I felt compelled to at least give a proper introduction, to anyone who take's it upon themselves to read it, with a glimpse into the writing realm of my mind. With that, I felt 'The Perissological Life' was a more than apt title to describe my written thoughts.

If you are a fellow writer, you might understand how someone can be a completely different person to read than to hear; if that makes any sense. Essentially, an individual who takes on, and carries with them, an entirely different persona when their thoughts flow through their fingers rather than through their mouths. The person I am when I am in my most encroached state of writing is nothing like the person I am when I speak. However, that is not to say that this is 'The Real Me', as it is far from it. But this is definately who I am when it comes to the realm of writing.

Perhaps this will be the start of these two "Me's" melding together... anyway that's enough for now. I would like to, or rather should, wrap this up before it grows any longer. With that, I'll leave this post with one of many quotes that I enjoy.

"Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you." -William Arthur Ward, college administrator, writer (1921-1994)

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