Tuesday, September 18, 2012

So what do you do....

Sometimes shit happens. Sometimes the world isn't fair. Sometimes things don't go your way, and you know exactly why, and you understand why; but it still hurts. You recognize the situation clearly, and the order of events that lead to it. You know all the factors at play, you had the foresight to see its potential for occurring. But you were hopeful that it wouldn't happen, and yet, when it did, it still hurt; even though none of it was your fault. There was nothing you could do, you did everything right, and you knew it could happen. So why does it still hurt? What do you do to move past something painful that was unavoidable? Do you turn the pain against those who caused it? Do you accept the pain and move on? But then where does the pain go? is it buried deep inside you where it festers with all your other pain? Does it get processed and transform into something else? And if so, how and what?

The pain you feel, the sorrow you experience, is not something physical. Yet its feeling is real. And surely it must go somewhere, it doesn't just disappear into nothingness. In kinship to the intangibility of feelings is the ethereal soul. It too can be seen and felt, but not physically touched. And you know it's presence to be real. Perhaps much like the food we eat, the feelings we experience are digested through our mind, body, and soul. We can verify what we're feeling with our mind, much like the tongue it can taste all the subtle variations mixed into the emotions. And just like our faces when we eat, our body personifies those sensations into a physical reaction in our body. Slowly these feelings are digested through our thoughts, our body reacting to their impression on us, and then they disappear. Perhaps, into the soul. Where there, it is processed, broken down, sorted, stored, and applied to the make-up of who we are. And it is only after we have come to terms, after our soul has finished taking it all in, that it is able to find and assemble it's place in us and we are able to continue forward with the renewed strength it gives us.

"Much like the food you eat, your feelings and experiences in life become the building blocks of who you are. These emotions you feel, these hardships you face, they are personified and made real with your body, they are taken into you and broken down with your mind, with time, they're processed through your soul, and are turned into strength that is added to your spirit." ~ Ryan Augustin.

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